Jesus Our Shepherd

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Jesus Our Shepherd

Text: John 10:11-16 (KJV)


The image of a shepherd and his sheep is a common theme throughout the Bible, and it is no wonder that Jesus refers to Himself as our Shepherd. In John 10, Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. Today, we will explore what it means for Jesus to be our Shepherd and what it means for us as His sheep.

I. Jesus Knows His Sheep (John 10:14-15)

  • As our Shepherd, Jesus knows us intimately and personally.
  • He knows our strengths, weaknesses, fears, and desires.
  • Jesus cares for us and protects us from harm.

Illustration: A shepherd who knows each of his sheep by name and can identify each one by their distinct features.

II. Jesus Leads His Sheep (John 10:3-4)

  • As our Shepherd, Jesus leads us to green pastures and still waters.
  • He guides us along the right path and protects us from danger.
  • Jesus provides for us and gives us rest.

Illustration: A shepherd leading his sheep through a narrow and dangerous path, protecting them from predators and guiding them towards safety.

III. Jesus Sacrifices for His Sheep (John 10:11)

  • As our Shepherd, Jesus laid down His life for us.
  • He willingly went to the cross to save us from our sins.
  • Jesus gave us eternal life and assures us of His love and care for us.

Illustration: A shepherd who risked his own life to rescue a lost sheep, showing his love and commitment to his flock.


Jesus is our Shepherd who knows us intimately, leads us faithfully, and sacrificed Himself for us. As His sheep, we can trust Him to guide us through life, to provide for us, and to protect us from harm. May we follow Him wholeheartedly and find rest in His loving care.


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